Chelsea and four other EPL teams might face transfer bans
What's the story
FIFA is currently investigating irregularities while signing of foreign players, who are below the age of 18, by EPL clubs.
It is believed that five Premier League clubs including Chelsea are under the scanner.
Mediapart, a French investigative outlet, has reported that FIFA's Integrity and Compliance is contemplating to levy a two-year transfer ban across four windows upon Chelsea.
More details follow.
FIFA spokesperson's comments about the investigation
A FIFA spokesperson has reportedly said that investigations were undergoing to find out breaches of the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players.
The representative further insisted that no evidence has been found out so far, and the clubs shall remain innocent until proven guilty.
Identities of clubs other than Chelsea are yet to be disclosed by football's highest governing body.
What are FIFA's rules regarding transfer of youth players?
FIFA's rules, regarding the transfer of youth players below the age of 18, state that foreign individuals cannot be signed unless their parents have emigrated to the said country for reasons other than football.
Exceptions are made in case of countries within the European Union or European Economic Area, where the minimum age for transfer is 16.
Clubs which have faced similar fates before
Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid were the two clubs which had faced transfer bans because of the improper signing of youth players.
Atletico were fined £620,000 and Real £250,000 for their respective breaches.
FIFA had released a statement saying that both clubs had violated several rules regarding the transfer of youth players.
Barcelona had also faced a similar fate in 2015.
Chelsea's statement regarding the ongoing investigations
Chelsea have released an official statement regarding the investigations, stating, "The club has fully cooperated with FIFA and has provided comprehensive evidence demonstrating its compliance with the applicable FIFA regulations."
Brexit the reason for the numerous breaches?
After Britain officially steps out of the European Union, English clubs will no longer have the option to sign under-aged players from other European countries.
This might be the reason many clubs including Manchester United and Arsenal have signed a number of youth players in the last couple of years.
However, reports state that United may not be under FIFA's investigations thus far.