PUBG Sanhok Map: Tips and tricks to win here
What's the story
PUBG has been, consistently, delivering a phenomenal 'Battle Royale' experience.
Accessible across platforms, players can fight solo, in pairs or squads as 100 players compete to win the 'chicken dinner'.
However, a player can't use the same strategy across maps.
The Sanhok map, available on console and PC, requires special techniques due to its size and terrain.
Here're the tips to win here.
Sanhok: Walkthrough technique
In our Sanhok walkthrough, we follow the best strategy to ensure survival and victory- land and loot smartly, move carefully and shoot well. We will first go through the best landing spots, then ideal weapon combinations and finally, a few tips to become a pro.
What others call hell, you can call home
Sanhok is a small tropical map, 4*4 km, and has 100 players in that enclosed space. It means landing anywhere, will be followed by quick firefights.
Further, buildings are scattered evenly across the map, and not too far from each other.
This is why, newcomers can choose any spot and start playing.
However, there are some hotbed areas of action and high-yield looting places.
Military base
Abandon all hope, you who enter here
'Bootcamp' is a centrally located military base. Understandably, it has great loot and plenty of enemies.
Some players also land close to 'Bootcamp' and move towards it to kill survivors.
The players, who survive the first onslaught, must be ready for a second wave.
A smart way to survive this high-risk zone is landing on the roof and moving inside once the firing ceases.
Don't ruin your game statistics, if you can't handle action
'Ruins' is one of the better looking locations. However, the loot-rich spot attracts many players.
The trick, here, is to land quickly and gear up. However, if players do not manage to land first, it is sensible to avoid the open roof and the gunfight.
It is better to get in at a lower level and avoid the exposed ramp going to the roof.
Paradise resort
Take me down to paradise city
'Paradise Resort' is the equivalent of Erangel's school. The multi-storied building draws out firefights longer, and players should expect close quarter combat here.
However, some of the top floors of buildings might be empty, so players should look around the outer edges of the compound before hitting the buildings.
This provides better chances of loot and gives time for the action to subside.
Medium risk zones
Best landing spots to ensure survival
'Bootcamp' may be too much to handle, but fringe areas like Camps Charlie, Alpha, and Bravo provide great loot and will not see much action at the beginning.
'Lakawi' is another great location along the eastern coast. It has enough loot and lower chances of encounters.
The surrounding unmarked buildings give players substantial looting opportunities before they enter combat.
The guns that suit the terrain best
A small but densely forested map allows two types of gameplay.
Players can either camp near the tall grass and snipe unsuspecting enemies, else they can rush into mid-range combat.
The latter option is wiser, as a small map makes camping risky.
The best option would be an assault rifle and sub-machine gun combination.
They are suited for the terrain influenced gameplay.
Do you know?
Silence is golden in Sanhok
Players can try a new assault rifle exclusively available for Sanhok. The QBZ95 replaces the SCAR-L on this map. Please add a suppressor to all your weapons here. It is a small map and giving away your position might led to death.
Pro tips to help you win
Running is preferable to noisy vehicular movement due to map size.
Don't camp in buildings. Being a forested hilly map, getting flanked is easy while camping.
The dynamic weather makes movement tricky. Don't run if it rains. You will make splashing sounds.
In case of fog, move between trees quickly. This prevents snipers from getting a clear shot.
Good luck with the chicken dinner!