Ice-cream that doesn't melt easily, this is what we need!
What's the story
The saddest feeling in the world is watching your ice-cream melt.
You're with a spoon and four scoops of your favorite flavor, but by the time you go through the second scoop, the other two have melted.
The alternative would be to gobble it up, but where's the fun in that? And it also gives you a brain freeze.
Luckily, there is another way.
Thank you, I mean that
You have to give the Japanese credit for certain things, like sushi, technology and now this marvelous research from Kanazawa University in Japan, where the researchers have found a way to stop ice-creams from melting.
Apparently, the trick is to increase its melting point, so that, it can last more than three hours at room temperature. That's "yummy" and "cool", I would say.
This is how it's done
So, how do you increase the melting point of ice cream? Well, according to Japanese scientists, you do it by injecting polyphenol liquid into it, which can be extracted from strawberries.
The researchers subjected the "non-melting ice-cream" to a hot hair dryer. Even after blowing on it for five minutes, the ice cream still retained its shape. That's one tough ice-cream, I must say.
Ice cream with a science cherry on top
Tomihisa Ota, a professor at Kanazawa University said, "Polyphenol liquid has properties to make it difficult for water and oil to separate." Thus the ice cream can retain its shape for longer than usual and it is hard to melt.
I don't know about you, but this news has made me so darn happy!