#TechBytes: 5 useful Google Assistant tricks you didn't know about
What's the story
Among all digital helpers, Google Assistant takes the top spot with its quirky replies and a host of productivity-focused features.
It is available on a range of devices, from smartphones to speakers, and is regularly updated with cool tricks.
But, the deal is, Google Assistant is so powerful that many of its capabilities may go unnoticed.
Let's have a look at some of them.
Trick #1
Identify songs like Shazam
We are aware of Assistant's basic accessibility features (like getting commute details or conversions), but the voice program can also be used to identify songs, just like Shazam.
So, whenever a song is playing and you don't know its title, just say "Ok Google, identify this song".
In a matter of minutes, it will recognize the song, letting you add it into your playlist.
Trick #2
Play podcasts anytime
Along with music recognition, Google Assistant can also play your favorite podcast in a single call.
Just say "Hey Google, play *the podcast name*" and it will start playing it immediately, without requiring you to download Google's podcast app.
You can even use Assistant's capabilities to pause/forward the podcast if needed.
Trick #3
Browse photos by location, time
If you want to look up photos from a particular location or time, call Google Assistant.
Just say the regular "Hey Google" command and ask the assistant to show photos from the location or month in question.
It will pull up the photos, but they have to be synced with Google Photos first.
Notably, Google Assistant can even show category-based photos, say of sunsets.
Trick #4
Create memes with Assistant's Meme Buddy
Meme Buddy is Assistant's experimental voice feature that lets you create shareable memes.
To use it, open Assistant and say "Talk to Meme Buddy", which will open up the voice-driven meme generator.
Then, it will walk you through the process of creating the meme by describing it.
You can even change its text or picture by calling out Meme Buddy or start completely afresh.
Trick #5
Ask for location-based reminders
Google Assistant save shopping lists and notes, but do you know it can also save location-based reminders?
Meaning, it prompts you to do a particular task when you'll reach that location.
For instance, you ask the Assistant to remind you to 'fill business sheet after reaching work' or 'repair computer after reaching home'.
As soon as you reach the place, the reminder will appear.