This is how you can format your WhatsApp messages
What's the story
WhatsApp for Android lets you add some flair to your messages with formatting.
You can emphasize words with bold, make them stand out with italics, or strike through text to indicate corrections or revisions.
This guide will teach you how to use markdown characters and the contextual menu to format your messages like a pro.
Markdown basics
Formatting text with Markdown characters
To format text in WhatsApp using markdown characters, you just need to wrap your text in specific symbols.
For bold text, use asterisks (*bold*), for italics use underscores (_italics_), and for strikethrough, use tildes (~strikethrough~).
This is a super fast way to add formatting as you type without breaking your flow.
Contextual formatting
Using the contextual menu for formatting
If you don't want to remember markdown symbols, WhatsApp's contextual menu makes it a breeze.
Simply type your message, then long-press on the word or phrase you want to format. Tap the vertical ellipsis in the pop-up menu, and select bold, italic, or strikethrough.
This trick comes in handy for editing existing messages or when you need to format longer sections of text.