Telegram update includes scheduled voice chats, in-chat payments, media-player updates
What's the story
WhatsApp's alternatives such as Telegram and Signal have gained immensely from the exodus of users tired of Facebook's bait-and-switch privacy policy. Telegram, meanwhile, seems determined to maintain its momentum by introducing steady feature updates ever since.
The latest update adds scheduled voice chats, revamped payments, improved web as well as desktop apps, and direct update downloads to circumvent Google's censorship, among many other improvements.
Planned meetings
Users can schedule voice chats at any date and time
Telegram's versatility already includes allowing users to schedule messages, but the feature now gets voice chat compatibility. Users can now schedule voice chats at any date and time of their choice.
Earlier, the Clubhouse-esque voice chats could only be started on an immediate basis. Now users can schedule discussions, allowing everyone to sync at a pre-ordained time and date.
Voice chats get visual countdown reminders and mini profiles
Telegram, notably, adds its unique flavor of customizability in the form of a countdown feature. The timer acts more as a visual reminder for the scheduled voice chats, and won't automatically trigger the discussion.
The voice chat host still has to hit start to initiate the discussion. Within the voice chat, users can access new "mini profiles" that include photo galleries and other attributes.
Do you know?
Users can now make merchant payments through any chat
The payment feature is also getting an improvement. While users could previously pay without leaving the app, the merchants can "now natively accept credit card payments in any chat". Meanwhile, Telegram also highlighted that it takes no commission and doesn't store any payment information either.
Flipping the bird
Telegram offers means to bypass Google's censorship and update bureaucracy
Other updates include improved animations for Android app, video player with better navigation, and a nifty pinch-to-zoom feature that allows photos and videos to be expanded without even invoking the inbuilt media viewer.
Telegram also used the blog post to complain about Google's overlong and convoluted update approval process and reminded users of its direct download feature that bypasses Google's censorship and update bureaucracy.