Phone addiction? We have the solution you need
What's the story
We do end up spending more time on our phones than required.
I'm not preaching. Social media is important and so are mobile games and I am all for adorable YouTube videos. But seriously, our work does get hampered if we don't keep a check on that incessant need of checking phones unnecessarily every now and then.
Here's what can potentially fix that.
When plain incentives stop working
Set up a determination schedule. Promise yourself a cookie if you don't touch your phone for 1 hour.
Kidding! If you are like me, you will probably end up eating all the cookies while fidgeting with the phone.
However, you can use some apps available out there to keep a check on this habit.
Here's what I am talking about.
First step: Keep a tab
For starters, there is this app called Checky. It has a very simple purpose. It keeps a tab on how many times you check your phone throughout the day.
So, when you see those alarming numbers, you can coax yourself to cut back.
Don't expect miracles. Set a limit and work on it. Hopefully, it'll work.
If not, there is another way.
Second step: See how you are wasting your time
Time is money and RescueTime shows how much time you're wasting unnecessarily on the phone.
It gives you information about the hours you've spent on the most-used apps on your phone and also your Internet usage.
You can set alerts to cap the time and also get regular progress reports to boost your morale.
Not helping? We got the biggie next.
Cold Turkey
Third level: Go Cold Turkey
The easy way didn't work out, therefore, it's time to go Cold Turkey on your phone.
This "Cold Turkey" app comes with a 'Do Not Disturb' feature. You okay it and voila! Your phone will not work for the time period that you have set.
Unless you deactivate the app or the time lapses, it'll not budge.
This will definitely do the trick.