Perseid meteor shower peaks tonight: How to watch
What's the story
The Perseid meteor shower promises to be a particularly breathtaking spectacle for stargazers this year.
The meteor shower is said to peak tonight, per NASA. This celestial event has been active since July 17 and will go on till August 24.
You may witness up to 100 meteors per hour during its peak and have a chance to see fireballs.
The Perseid meteor shower is associated with bright fireballs
The peak of the Perseid meteor shower occurs when the Earth crosses the thickest part of the dust trail left behind by comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.
Interestingly, this meteor shower is known for fireballs.
"Fireballs are larger explosions of light and color that can persist longer than an average meteor streak," per NASA. That's because fireballs originate from larger pieces of cometary debris.
The Moon will not interfere with viewing the experience
The Perseids will be best visible from the northern hemisphere. The meteor shower gets its name from the constellation Perseus.
Dark and clear skies are essential to get the best view of the Perseids. This year's waning crescent Moon, which will be only 10% illuminated, will offer the perfect backdrop for viewing.
The peak of the meteor shower will end by August 14.
What Next?
Skywatching tips for a memorable Perseids experience this weekend
For the best viewing experience, plan to observe the Perseids between midnight to sunrise.
Seek out a dark location away from city lights and position yourself comfortably. Give your eyes time to adjust to the night sky.
Meteors can generally be seen all over the sky so you don't have to focus in a specific direction.
Look out for fireballs as well. Happy skywatching!