In 2018, Zuckerberg vows to rid Facebook of hate, interference
What's the story
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's 33-year-old founder-CEO, famously gives himself a personal challenge at the beginning of every year.
In the last decade, he has learnt a musical instrument, read books, travelled across the US, and met people outside of work, courtesy these annual tasks.
Since it's that time of the year again, Zuckerberg announced on Thursday his resolution for 2018: Fix Facebook.
Here's more.
The post
Facebook has a lot of work to do: Mark Zuckerberg
In a long Facebook post, Zuckerberg acknowledged that his company was "making too many errors enforcing policies and preventing misuse of tools."
He admitted that FB had "a lot of work to do" and said he would spend 2018 "protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation-states, and making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent."
For FB, it's time to introspect and make amends
Facebook has been under fire recently, particularly for letting fake news and Russia-linked political advertisements spiral on its platforms ahead of the 2016 US presidential election.
Though its influence and revenue are growing each year, the social media giant is yet to find its role in society and address pressing concerns such as privacy, discrimination, diminishing relevance and mental health.
Way forward
2018 dedicated to learning that comes with fixing issues together
In the post, Zuckerberg also addressed the growing debate in tech on centralization vs decentralization.
He wrote that encryption and cryptocurrency could "take power from centralized systems and put it back into people's hands."
"I'm interested to go deeper and study the positive and negative aspects of these technologies, and how best to use them in our services," Zuckerberg wrote.
Journey so far
From Mandarin to books: All of Zuckerberg's previous personal challenges
2018: Fix Facebook
2017: Visit and meet people in all 50 American states
2016: Build an AI for home, personal work
2015: Read a new book every other week
2014: Write at least one thank-you note everyday
2013: Meet one new person a day outside of Facebook
2012: Code everyday
2011: Only eat animals you kill
2010: Learn Mandarin
2009: Wear a tie daily