World's 5 most expensive smartphones that money can buy
What's the story
When the iPhone X launched last year, it took many of us by surprise - one for its never-seen-before notched display and two, for its hefty price tag of $1000.
However, in the world of the most expensive smartphones - full of diamond-studded jewel-like devices to special supercar edition smartphones, iPhone X falls in the budget category (!)
Here, we list 5 most expensive smartphones.
Number 5
Vertu Signature Touch tailor-made for Bentley
Luxury smartphone maker Vertu closed down last year. But several of its finest pieces, such as the Signature Touch, are still loved by the super-rich.
The Android-based phone starts at $9,000 and goes up to $19,000 for the top-end variant.
Tailor-made for Bentley, the phone has a Snapdragon 810 processor, 4GB RAM, 64GB storage, 21MP rear camera and a 5.2-inch display covered by sapphire.
Number 4
Goldvish Eclipse Desiring Arcadia Onyx Alligator
Design and handmade by Swiss-based Goldvish, the Eclipse Desiring Arcadia Onyx Alligator smartphone costs a massive $108,976.
The Android-based phone features a Baguette cut diamond along with 360 diamonds set in 316L stainless steel on the back panel, with a black-colored Alligator leather casing.
In terms of specs, there's a 5.5-inch screen, quad-core Snapdragon processor, 64GB storage, 13MP rear camera and 5MP seflie snapper.
Number 3
ViPN Black Diamond
For $300,000, one could buy a Lamborghini or a Ferrari. But, 5 people chose to buy the ViPN Black diamond Windows phone.
The phone features three 3-carat diamonds on the back and a 0.25 on the joystick, all of which are removable.
Notably, only 5 phones were made and nobody knows who owns them. Guess someone who loves Black diamonds?
Number 2
Diamond Cryto Smartphone
Back in 2006, Russia-based JSC Ancort developed a Windows CE-based smartphone that comes with Motorola MX21 processor and powerful encryption technology.
The phone, titled Diamond Crypto, is aptly named for its completely encrypted technology and comes studded with 50 diamonds (including 10 rare blue diamonds).
And come to think of its price, how does a $1.3 million price tag sound like?
Well, it's for real.
Number 1
Black Diamond iPhone 5: World's most expensive iPhone
Priced at a mammoth $15.3 million, the Black Diamond iPhone 5 is the world's most expensive phone.
Created by designer Stuart Hughes, this is essentially an iPhone 5 with a solid gold chassis and a 26-carat single black deep cut diamond which replaces the home button.
Moreover, around 600 white diamonds adorn the frame along with 53 diamonds making the Apple logo.