Meet Artifact, an AI-driven news app backed by Instagram's co-founders
What's the story
Instagram's co-founders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, are working on a personalized news app called Artifact, which is driven by recommendation algorithms similar to TikTok.
The app utilizes machine learning to understand your preferences and in the future, you will be able to discuss articles with friends.
If you are interested, you can join the waiting list today.
Why does this story matter?
After almost five years of taking leave from their parent company, the Instagram co-founders have returned with a new app- Artifact (the name stands for articles, facts, and artificial intelligence).
Similar to how TikTok tunes its feed based on algorithmic predictions, without taking into account who you follow or your friend's list, Artifact intends to channel the same approach for news aggregation.
Artifact will also feature articles from small blogs
When you first open Artifact, you will see a central feed filled with articles from leading publications like The New York Times and those from small blogs as well.
As you surf through stories that interest you, the app will begin personalizing your feed, throwing similar posts in the future, just like how TikTok's algorithm picks up your preferences and customizes the feed.
Artifact will track the time you spend on subjects
In efforts to aptly optimize the feed for its users, Artifact's machine-learning systems are designed to track how long you spend reading about various subjects, as opposed to focusing on what generates more clicks and comments.
Other features being tested on Artifact's beta channel
Currently, there are two features being tested on Artifact's beta channel, which according to Systrom could become the core pillars of the app.
The first option involves a feed curating articles from users you have followed, along with their commentary on those posts.
The second one is a direct message inbox feature that will allow you to privately discuss posts with friends.
There are seven members on the Artifact team
As of now, Systrom and Krieger are funding the app themselves. To them, Artifact represents what the next generation of social apps could look like. A team of seven people is currently working on the project, including Robby Stein, a former product executive at Instagram.
Articles from both left and right-leaning outlets are featured
You can search for individual outlets within the app but for now, the company will not reveal all the publishers in its system.
There will be stories from both left and right-leaning outlets on Artifact. However, the founders will take the final call regarding the publishers that get to feature on the app.
Artifact is also clear on eliminating posts that "promote falsehoods."