How to use hashtags in Instagram posts and boost reach
What's the story
Instagram allows you to add hashtags in your post's caption or comments.
If you run a public account and add hashtags to a post, that particular post will show up on the corresponding hashtag page alongside other public posts that have used the same hashtags.
However, posts from private profiles won't appear publicly on hashtag pages because of the profile's restrictions.
User guide
Use '#' to add hashtags
Once you select a photo/video, tap "Write a caption..." and simply enter # followed by text (e.g., #marvel), and post it.
To add a hashtag to an already uploaded post, edit the caption or include the hashtag in a comment.
Once your post includes a hashtag, you can tap it to view a page displaying all photos and videos shared with that hashtag.
Things to note
Key points to remember
Note that hashtags can include numbers, but spaces and special characters like $ or % are not supported.
Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post; however, using too many hashtags can lower engagement and may be seen as spamming.
The platform may temporarily block accounts that misuse hashtags by overposting them or using hashtags unrelated to the content.