Independence Day special: 5 video games that define freedom
What's the story
India celebrates its 72nd Independence Day today.
Brave heroes stepped up to the challenge and we fought back against the tyrannical British Raj regime.
Oppression exists in many forms even in today's world. We just need to open our eyes and rise up to fight for our freedom.
Read to find out the top 5 games that define freedom and independence.
Home is where we make our final stands
Homefront is a first-person shooter game by Kaos Studios. It came out in 2011.
The story shows the resistance of US troops in a nightmarish future. North Korea and South Korea unite under Kim Jong-un and occupies the USA.
The protagonist must fight for his homeland.
The sacrifice and battle will remind you of brave Indian freedom-fighters who took the fight to the British.
Assassin's Creed III
A revolutionary war and a loss of home
Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed III came out in 2012.
The story follows Connor, an assassin during the American Revolution. Half American-half Mohawk, Connor suffers homelessness.
However, his heroics during the war wins America the freedom but ultimately leaves Connor without a home.
We might remember the people who fought for India's freedom but were similarly left homeless due to the partition.
Far Cry 4
A battle too close to home
All the Far Cry games are first-person games where abusive power-structures are destabilized.
However, Ubisoft's Far Cry 4 is close to our homes. The game is set in a fictional place Kyrat in Nepal.
Based on the real Maoist-insurgency, the protagonist has to remove dictator Pagan Min and liberate his homeland.
Gamers can get a feel of the Himalayas while playing this.
USA and the war on drugs
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands came out in 2017.
The game follows a group of elite US soldiers who seek to destabilize a narco-state in Bolivia. It shows a drug cartel gaining immense power and influencing the politics of the nation.
A tactically brilliant game for stealth and battle, it will remind players how countries should respond to terrorist acts.
Wolfenstein II
Punch a Nazi in the face, or just kill them
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus came out in 2017.
The game shows a nightmarish timeline where the Nazis have beaten the Allies.
Injured and on the run, the protagonist is part of a resistance against the Nazis. He is a Polish-Jew and fights them tooth-and-nail.
The protagonist teaches players never to give up, just like our freedom-fighters didn't, even when the situation looks bleak.