Donald Trump launches Twitter-like platform; bypasses Big Tech censorship
What's the story
Even as Facebook mulls permanently banning Donald Trump, the 45th US President has reversed his Big Tech unpersoning by launching his own communications platform.
Dubbed as From the Desk of Donald J. Trump, the website allows Trump to exercise free speech through articles, statements, pictures, and videos. The platform doesn't support user comments, and works like a bulletin board.
Digital campaign
Platform allows Trump to reach constituents for 2024 Presidential election
Trump's platform is built by Campaign Nucleus, which is described as an "automated digital ecosystem" designed to "protect" conservatives against "cancel culture". The anti-censorship endeavor is the brainchild of former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale.
Trump has already hinted at contesting the 2024 US presidential elections, and the platform allows him to reach out to his constituents without being muzzled by Big Tech censorship.
One-way platform
Trump's website follows hybrid Twitter-blog format, but doesn't allow commenting
From the Desk of Donald J. Trump functions more like a blog than a social media website, albeit with the format resembling a Twitter feed replete with short posts devoid of a commenting system.
As of this writing, users can only heart-react to posts and share them to Twitter and Facebook. Users, however, can contact Trump using an online contact form hosted on
People can reach out to Trump through sister website
The portal was launched in March this year to re-establish communications lines with the 45th President of the United States that were severed by Big Tech, which is now in control of public discourse.
The website allows the public to send letters, solicit participation in events, and request personalized greetings from Trump and his wife Melania.
PAC conduit
Trump gets around Shopify ban with WinRed
Trump's latest platform has also been integrated with WinRed, which acts both as a for-profit fundraising service and a conduit PAC (Political Action Committee) to secure funds for GOP candidates.
The move comes after Silicon Valley oligarchy collectively conspired to cut all means to fund Trump's campaign with instances such as Shopify terminating Trump's stores off its platform.
Self-censoring CEO
Shopify CEO was cognizant of the ban's partisan nature
Not surprisingly, Shopify seems to be cognizant of its decision's censorious and partisan nature.
In a now-deleted open letter on Medium, founder and CEO Tobias Lütke noted how "commerce is a powerful, underestimated form of expression," while likening individual purchases to voting.
The CEO had also added that it wasn't Shopify's place to interrupt people exercising the right to vote with their wallets.
Openly partisan
Silicon Valley 'cabal' does precious little to hide anti-conservative nature
Shopify's hypocritical change of stance on censorship, however, wasn't without precedent. Time magazine had shockingly published a tacit acknowledgement of Big Tech's election manipulation that ensured Trump's defeat in 2020 presidential elections.
At any rate, Big Tech's aversion to conservatives and their subsequent censorship wasn't a secret given Brietbart's video expose of Google top brass being visibly upset with Trump's 2016 election win.
Time magazine tacitly admitted to Big Tech manipulating the election
"A well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it," wrote Time magazine.
Free public discourse
Big Tech's disenfranchisement of conservatives will brew a civil war
Censorship is dangerous because a healthy civilization needs free exchange of diverse ideas. De-platforming conservatives during a global pandemic, when the digital square is the only means of public discourse, essentially gags one-half of the US population.
Big Tech's coordinated disenfranchisement of conservatives from discussing politics online is the perfect recipe for civil war. Social media freedom is far more important than most realize.
Selling outrage
CNN and other outlets will benefit most from Trump's return
Strangely, the mainstream media will be the biggest beneficiary of Trump's resurgence on the internet. From journalists to political pundits, nearly everyone in the US media benefited from Trump's unfiltered Twitter feed.
To put this into perspective, CNN's ratings had plummeted nearly 50 percent since Trump's unpersoning on the internet. Mainstream media will now have the fuel it needs to boost ratings.