Google Chrome's latest update lets you mute 'annoying' websites
What's the story
The Google Chrome 64 update has been released by the company and is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.
The update fixes several bugs, including fixes for the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities for Windows and Mac.
The update also comes with several improvements, and adds an important ability to mute entire websites.
Farewell, autoplay videos!
How to mute websites after the Chrome 64 update
Once you get the Chrome 64 update, you can click on the green padlock on the left side of Chrome's address bar to mute audio in site settings. Alternatively, you go to Settings > Advanced > Content Settings (under Privacy & Security) > Sound.
Security features
Chrome provides much-awaited fixes for Meltdown and Spectre CPU bugs
Additionally, important security improvements include fixes for the infamous Meltdown and Spectre CPU bugs - Chrome's updated V8 Javascript engine provides protection against these speculative side-channel attacks.
Another important improvement is Chrome's updated pop-blocker which can safeguard against sites which throw tons of unwanted content at users at a single click.
The browser will also prevent harmful click-free auto-redirect in websites.
Do you know?
Meltdown and Spectre affect almost every computer on the planet
Meltdown and Spectre are two massive bugs in modern processors which affect almost every computer. They're basically hardware vulnerabilities which allow programs to steal data currently being processed on a computer. Malicious programs could thus exploit this vulnerability to steal all sorts of data.
HDR support
Google also adds HDR support in Chrome 64 update
Chrome has also added support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) for Windows 10 machines.
However, running HDR videos requires the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, as well as a HDR-compatible monitor and graphics processing unit (GPU).
This new update was released a month after Chrome 64 Beta was released to users. Chrome will update itself automatically, or you can do it manually from Settings.