This new X-ray technique could make artificial Sun a reality
What's the story
Scientists are making significant strides in their quest to replicate the Sun's fusion reactions on Earth, in order to meet the growing demand for clean and abundant energy.
The primary focus has been on inertial fusion energy experiments, which aim to mimic conditions necessary for fusion, by compressing a fuel pellet to extremely high densities. However, assessing their performance is difficult.
Now, a new X-ray imaging technique has been developed to address these issues.
Nanofoam potential
The role of nanofoams in experiments
Inertial fusion energy experiments require the fuel to be held in a very precise configuration.
One promising material for this job is a type of porous foam known as nanofoam.
However, assessing the performance of these nanofoams in such experiments has proven difficult, due to existing techniques either destroying their delicate structures or lacking the necessary resolution for detailed study, as reported by Nano Magazine.
Imaging breakthrough
Innovative X-ray imaging technique promises to overcome challenges
The new X-ray imaging technique, based on a method called ptychographic imaging, has been developed to address these issues.
This innovative method involves generating pictures by analyzing the patterns of photons scattered off a sample.
It has permitted researchers to resolve the 3D nanostructure of a copper foam with unprecedented precision, a discovery directly relevant to fusion experiments.
Measurement milestone
First-of-its-kind measurement in fusion energy research
Adra Carr, a research scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the lead author of the work, stated that "this type of 3D volume technique at a free-electron laser is a first-of-its-kind measurement."
The process can reconstruct the original sample with nanoscale resolution, thus creating a detailed 3D image of the foam's internal structure.
The ability to rotate samples during imaging, further enhances understanding of their 3D architecture.
Foam interrogation
New technique enhances understanding of foam's structure
Arianna Gleason, a senior scientist at Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, said this new technique leverages the coherence and brilliance of the X-ray free-electron laser.
"We were able to interrogate the foam in a way that few other methods could achieve."
The pictures generated revealed that the copper foam is not as uniform as expected, with many thin shells of foam being distorted, merged or open - variations which could impact their performance in inertial confinement fusion experiments.
Fusion implications
Implications of findings for fusion energy development
The findings from this new imaging technique could have significant implications for the development of fusion energy.
This information could be utilized to optimize foam fabrication methods and tailor these materials specifically for fusion experiments, according to the National Accelerator Laboratory.
Fusion energy is a reaction that powers the Sun and other stars, wherein two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier nucleus, releasing energy in the process.