Android has 91% loyalty rate compared to 86% for iOS
What's the story
According to a report by US-based research firm Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), Android users have higher brand loyalty than iOS users.
This means that Android users are less likely to switch to iOS than the other way around.
The report found out that Android has a 91% loyalty rate compared to an 86% loyalty rate for iOS.
Here are the details.
During January 2016-December 2017, Android loyalty ranged from 89-91%
The brand loyalty for Android has remained steadily high since 2016, with it currently being at its highest level ever seen.
From January 2016 to December 2017, Android loyalty ranged from 89% to 91%, while iOS loyalty from 85% to 88%.
This was measured through US customers who didn't change their operating systems while upgraded their phones last year.
Customers like to stick with one OS now
CIRP co-founder Mike Levin said, "With only two mobile operating systems, it appears users now pick one, learn it, invest in apps and storage, and stick with it. Apple and Google need to figure out how to sell products and services to these loyal customers."
Why does Android see so many loyal customers?
Android's higher brand loyalty can be chalked up to its distribution across a variety of handsets.
Users can switch to different phones without having to leave the operating system they have become comfortable with.
That gives them the freedom to try out new experiences, designs, and styles without feeling that their investment in purchased apps or their time spent learning the OS got wasted.
In 2013, iOS users were more loyal than Android users
However, Android wasn't always leading in brand loyalty. In fact, according to a CIRP report from 2013, iPhone owners were once more loyal than Android users. But that loyalty base shifted the very next year and has sustained ever since.