Google's new Chrome 69 to be released on September 4
What's the story
Google's Material Design, that we have seen on ChromeOS powered devices, is now coming to the Chrome browser.
The new UX, which has been in testing for some time now, will be released with Chrome 69 on September 4.
The new design brings rounded tabs, Windows 10 notification center integration and touchpad navigational gestures, among other nifty updates.
Here's everything to know about it.
New UX
What's new in Chrome 69?
Chrome's new desktop design brings a more rounded and whiter appearance along with Windows 10 notification center integration, auto-fill improvements and touchpad gesture navigation on Windows 10.
Further, the mobile version of Chrome has been significantly changed on iOS with navigation controls moving to the bottom of the screen. This allows for a far easier one-hand use, especially on tall displays like iPhone X's.
Google has also introduced some nifty security features as well
Apart from the design changes, Chrome 69 also gets Password Alert integration, which prevents you from typing your Google password on a suspicious-looking page.
Further, Chrome 69 will now block third-party softwares that have previously caused crashes.
Notably, Adobe Flash is now disabled by default on the Google browser. This means you will have to give permission to a website to use Flash.
New feel
Google has introduced Material Design in Chrome 68 also
Google has already added its Material redesign to Chrome 68. Those interested can enable the new UX from Chrome settings.
To open the Chrome settings on Windows, Mac, and Linux, you can enter chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md into the address bar of the browser and select "Refresh" option.
Android users can go to chrome://flags/#enable-chrome-modern-design and select "Modern" design option.