Jumlajeevi to chamchagiri: New list of banned words in Parliament
What's the story
The Lok Sabha Secretariat has released a long list of words that have been ruled unParliamentary in the Parliament.
The usage of words such as jumlajeevi, baal buddhi, COVID spreader, and Snoopgate would be prohibited in both Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, according to the new booklet.
Some regularly used terms on the list include ashamed, abused, betrayed, corrupt, drama, hypocrisy, and incompetent.
List of banned words released ahead of Monsoon Session
The brochure containing unparliamentary terms and phrases has been released ahead of the Monsoon Session, which begins on July 18.
During the session, terms like anarchist, Shakuni, dictatorial, taanashah, taanashahi, Jaichand, vinash purush, Khalistani and khoon se kheti would be banned if they were used during debates or otherwise in both chambers.
Unparliamentary expressions include dohra charitra, nikamma, nautanki, dhindora peetna, and behri sarkar.
House Chairman, Speaker have the last say regarding banned words
The Rajya Sabha Chairman and the Lok Sabha Speaker have the last say in removing terms and expressions.
Some terms and expressions are ruled unparliamentary by the Chair in various Legislative bodies in the country as well as in Commonwealth Parliaments from time to time.
These terms have been collated by the Lok Sabha Secretariat for future reference.
Booklet of banned words has references from 2020 and 2021
The compilation contains references to words and expressions declared unparliamentary in Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, and state legislatures in India during 2021, besides those disallowed in some of the Commonwealth Parliaments in 2020.
Why are words that don't appear unparliamentary also banned?
The list states that some of the keywords may not appear unparliamentary unless read in conjunction with other expressions spoken during the parliamentary proceedings.
The list of expressions also includes any aspersions made against the Chair in both the Houses in either English or Hindi, which shall be considered as unparliamentary and are expunged from the records of Parliament.
Who vets the language spoken in the House?
Rajya Sabha Chairman or Lok Sabha Speaker vets the words spoken in the House during the session and unparliamentary words are expunged by the Chair.
Such words do not form part of the Parliament records.
Among some of the English words listed by the Secretariat as unparliamentary include bloodshed, bloody, betrayed, ashamed, abused, cheated, childishness, corrupt, coward, criminal and crocodile tears.
Some commonly used words figure in the list
Words like disgrace, donkey, drama, fudge, hooliganism, hypocrisy, incompetent, and lie, would also be banned from now on.
Anarchist, gaddar, girgit, goons, ghadiyali ansu, apmaan, asatya, ahankaar, corrupt, kala din, kala bazaari, and khareed farokht are among the other terms designated as unparliamentary.
Furthermore, it includes terms like danga, dalal, daadagiri, dohra charitra, bechara, lollypop, vishwasghat, samvedanheen, foolish, pitthu, and sexual harassment.