What India expects from Modi 2.0?
What's the story
Call him what you may, but Narendra Modi's achievements are worth celebrating.
The man has never lost any elections, enjoys the fan following which was erstwhile reserved for rockstars, and leaders of other nations hold umbrellas for him.
While people smarter than him, more privileged than him, and luckier than him are getting decimated, he would stay alive to tell their stories and his.
As he embarks upon his new journey, here's what we expect from him.
Developing scientific temperament: About time for manned space mission
Despite ISRO's brilliant track record, it is a shame that India hasn't achieved enough in space exploration. And, the only reason for that has been previous governments' lack of interest, understanding and willingness to invest.
We wish (and know) it will change under Modi 2.0.
The fact that the government has allocated Rs. 10,000cr to Gaganyaan - the mission that aims to send 3 Indians to space - at least shows its intent is right.
High Priority
Bringing cultural reforms: Uniform Civil Code, 370 and 35A
This one is a no-brainer. Any logical mind can tell you that this country needs cultural reforms as much as we need scientific temperament.
We detest the Yogi Adityanath or Pragya Thakur brand of Hindutva, instead we want meaningful changes.
Here's the wish-list: a) Implementation of Uniform Civil Code b) Scrapping Article 370 35A c) Saffronization of books, or correct portrayal of Hindu leaders, at the very least.
Ignorance is NOT bliss
BJP leaders should stop deriding Science, from the word go
If you remove the top brass of BJP, you are left with a bunch of clowns. They make mind-numbing statements, as far as scientific theories are concerned.
In the past they have called Sita a test-tube baby, claimed internet existed during Mahabharata, and Lord Shiva was the first environmentalist. And, the list goes on.
In their zeal to "popularize" Vedas, they are doing a disservice to Science.
No more red-tapeism
Defense: Fix the procurement process, make India strong (again)
The next in list should be revamping the defense sector.
As Defense Minister, the single most important challenge for Rajnath Singh, is to fix the procurement process, which reeks of red-tapeism, bureaucracy and babu-ism.
Picture this: The process to procure Rafale jets started in 2000s, and the first jet will arrive in September this year. If that's not enough, a certain Gandhi will lie about corruption, the moment Singh tries to move a needle.
The issue is real, and one that needs attention asap.
The moment is now
Focus on primary education, no more announcements for IITs
When I was growing up, there were 6 IITs. And, now there are 22 IITs. Can someone in the government tell us the purpose they have achieved?
Instead of this mindless *appeasement*, the government should work on strengthening the primary education system.
There is enough data to prove that Indian kids have been lagging in basic learning and number skills, now is the time to focus on that.
Abki baar sab sakaar
Finishing the unfinished tasks of 1.0: Infrastructure, financial inclusion, cleanliness
In conclusion, if NDA under Vajpayee was about dreaming and Modi 1.0 was about planning, Modi 2.0 has to be all about execution.
Our expectations from the government, in general, is so less - a road here, a non-functional toilet there and we conclude that at least they are trying.
Let that attitude change now, let us demand answers. Let us hold them responsible for 2022 deadline of several unfinished projects.