Decoding Narendra Modi's reality distortion field alias jumla
What's the story
Narendra Modi is a mind hacker and a reality bender. His beliefs are so strong, and his rhetorical style so charismatic that you start believing what he wants you to believe.
And, that's the thing about reality - you believe it, you make others believe it and it soon becomes a reality, facts be damned.
Welcome to his reality distortion field (jumla), which almost feels like a gravitational and magnetic pull put together.
What is reality distortion field?
Made popular by Steve Jobs rather unwittingly, reality distortion field makes facts malleable/flimsy. In short, it is an eagerness to change any fact to fit the purpose at hand. Jobs used it to set unrealistic targets for Apple employees, Modi uses it to stay all-powerful.
When he made tall claims about Kashmir
For 2 years, Modi made us believe that militancy had indeed reduced in Kashmir. On one hand, we were shown statistics about these claims, on the other hand his chest thumping made us go wow. Such is the power of his persuasion.
However, yesterday when BJP 'dumped' PDP, the narrative changed. We were told BJP pulled out because of the worsening security situation in J&K.
We call them lies, he calls it his version of truth.
When he thinks only he can save India
Before we proceed further, I should tell you that I am not a fan of Nehru-Gandhi clan. And, I am with Modi when he blames a lot of our current problems on Nehru. The damage one family has done to our beloved motherland is indescribable.
That said, Modi's own party hasn't done any substantial work to convince us that he is our messiah.
But, his beliefs about his own capabilities are so inflated that you almost fall into the trap.
When he can never accept his failures
With Modi, everything is dramatic - even his relationship with Indians is one of bhagwan and bhakt. And, when can MiLord make any mistakes?
Call it arrogance or political wisdom, but this man will never accept his mistakes.
Deep down this 56 inch chest lies a pretty insecure man - someone who would make sure that he can't be questioned.
Between reality and Modi, hence, Modi wins.
Adulation hungry
When his words and actions just don't sync up
Most disturbing is, however, his dual-personality. His words and actions are never in sync.
He tells us rape should not be politicized, next day his party puts ads on rape culture in poll-bound Karnataka.
He talks about 'vikas', his political rallies reek of 'jaatiwaad' (communalism).
He asks us to criticize his government, but for his interviews the questions are always scripted.
In all this, I don't think he is just deceiving us. He himself lives in that make-believe world.
Mr. Modi, you still are our best bet. Wake up?
Everything said and done, I shudder at the thought of crooks of the so-called Mahagathbandhan coming to power in 2019.
Didi can't be our Phoren Minister, Netaji our raksha mantri, Behenji rail mantri and Rahul Baba pradhan mantri.
Mr. Modi, you still are our best bet, but do a reality check? You are not larger than life, or in this case sawa-sau crore deshwasi.