07 Oct 2015
Anti-cancer DNA research wins Nobel prize for Chemistry
The $960,000 2015 Nobel Prize for Chemistry will be shared between three scientists from Sweden, USA and Turkey - Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar respectively.
7,500 km of highway projects at risk
A report by Crisil titled "No smooth ride" has said that around 7,500 km of highway projects- 5,100 km under construction and 2,400 km operational, awarded on a build, operate, transfer (BOT) basis are at high risk.
06 Oct 2015
Nobel Prize for Physics announced
The 2015 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded "for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass".
Yuan the 4th most-used payment currency
According to the global transaction services organisation SWIFT, China's Yuan became the fourth most-used world payment currency by overtaking Japanese yen in August.