Mumbai: Book local-train tickets via mobile app for 5% discount
What's the story
In a bid to encourage commuters of Mumbai's suburban rail network to use UTS mobile ticketing app, the Railways has planned to give 5% discounts on tickets booked via their mobile app.
This means, on a seasonal pass costing Rs. 1,000, one would get a discount of Rs. 50.
The feature is being tested and will be released in a month's time.
App was launched by Suresh Prabhu in 2014
The UTS Mobile app was launched in December 2014 by the then Railway minister Suresh Prabhu.
Current railway minister Piyush Goyal was in attendance too.
The app was launched with the intention of helping reduce long queues and saving time for commuters.
However, even after four years of its launch, it has failed to take off as expected.
19,000 out of total 80L commuters use UTS app
Last year's data reveals that only 19,000 out of a total 80L regular commuters use the app to buy tickets.
On a daily basis, Central Railway sells around 10L tickets, out of which a mere 13,000 are mobile tickets.
A similar picture is painted of Western Railway. Out of a total 9L tickets sold every day, only 7,500 are mobile tickets.
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Reasons for failure: Technical glitches, poor publicity
The app's failure has been attributed to recurrent and numerous technical glitches and poor publicity of the app, due to which many aren't even aware of its existence.
Hemant Goswan, a regular commuter, narrates how he couldn't access his monthly pass on the app once he changed his handset.
Another commuter 'bought' tickets thrice, but failed to get even one issued.
But you can now get discounts on the app
To lure passengers, the Railways is now offering discounts. Any smartphone user can download the app available in both Android and iOS.
Sign in to create an R-Wallet, which has to be recharged.
Payments can be made using net-banking, money cards or UPI (real-time payment system).
After your log-in, you'll be asked your city, and then booking options would be displayed.