5 yoga poses to strengthen your core
What's the story
If you think that the only way to strengthen your core muscles is by hitting the gym, then you are wrong.
You can easily improve your core strength by doing some yoga at home.
Strengthening your core will improve your body posture and relieve joint pain as well.
Here are five yoga poses that will strengthen your core and tone the muscles.
Vasisthasana or side plank pose
Vasisthasana is a balancing pose that will strengthen and tone your shoulders and arms.
Come into a plank position and shift your weight onto your right arm while rolling onto the outside of your right foot.
Place your left foot on top of the right foot. Lift up your left arm and touch the fingertips.
Take deep breaths and turn to the other side.
Utkatasana or chair pose
This yoga pose helps to strengthen your external obliques, rectus abdominis, and tranversus abdominis.
Stand straight in tadasana with your arms by the side. Inhale and raise your arms. Next, exhale and bend your knees keeping your thighs and knees parallel.
Maintain a right angle with the tops of your thighs by leaning your torso forward.
Hold for 30 seconds and stand back straight.
Navasana or boat pose
Navasana strengthens your hip flexors and abdominal muscles and contributes to your overall core strength.
Sit on the yoga mat drawing your knee toward your chest. Lift your feet up and balance on your tailbone.
Keep your legs straightened, pointing through the toes, and lift your arms up parallel with the floor.
Hold this for at least 10 breaths and then relax.
Vrikshasana or tree pose
Vrikshasana helps to improve your balance and strengthens the ligaments and tendons on your feet along with the core abdominal muscles.
Stand tall with your back straight. Keep your right leg straight and bend your left knee, bringing the left foot onto the inner right thigh.
Raise your hands up in prayer position, hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Reed pose
A basic posture correcting pose, the reed pose is effective in core strengthening.
Stand straight and place your feet slightly apart. Inhale, lift your arms up and interlace your fingers.
Exhale and lean to your right. Practice three-six breaths and bend better with every exhalation.
Inhale and bring the torso upright. Exhale and bring your arms back down. Repeat on the other side.