Five Yoga poses to balance your Root Chakra
What's the story
Root Chakra or Muladhara is one of the seven primary Chakras, according to Hindu practices. It is associated with grounding, stability, and vitality.
It is located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae.
It is important to balance Root Chakra to maintain emotional as well as physical stability.
Here are five Yoga poses to balance Root Chakra.
Warrior-II pose (Virabhadrasana-II)
Stand straight with your legs spread 3-4 feet apart. Now, turn your right foot outward at 90 degrees angle, and your left foot inward by about 15 degrees.
Spread out your arms, parallel to the ground on both sides at shoulder height, with palms facing downward.
Hold the position for about 30 seconds.
Relax, and then repeat on the other side.
Easy pose (Sukhasana)
The Easy pose or Sukhasana releases stress and anxiety, and helps in balancing the Root Chakra.
To perform this simple pose, start by sitting down on floor/mat, with your back straight, and legs crossed. Now inhale deeply, and then exhale slowly, while focusing entirely on the breathing process.
Perform this pose for 5-10 minutes daily to balance the base Chakra.
Child's pose (Balasana)
Apart from being a great pose for relaxation, the Child's pose or Balasana can help promote balancing of the Root Chakra.
To perform this pose, kneel on all fours, and relax your buttocks on your heels. Reach your arms out, with your head resting down on the mat/floor.
Hold the position for a few seconds. Relax, then repeat.
Garland Pose (Malasana)
The Garland pose or Malasana helps strengthen lower back, ankles and calves.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than the hips, and toes turned outward.
Start bending your knees and lowering your hips toward the ground/mat.
Bring your hands together to form the prayer position or Anjali Mudra in front of your heart.
Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Relax, and then repeat.
Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
To perform the Bridge pose, lie down on your back, with your arms next to your body, and palms facing downward.
Now, bend your knees and place your feet on floor.
Then, taking support of your shoulders, arms and feet, lift your back off the floor. Keep breathing slowly and deeply.
Maintain the posture for one minute. Relax, then repeat.
Stay healthy!