Want strong bones? Perform these five Yoga poses
What's the story
Having strong bones is crucial for your overall physical strength, whereas poor bone health can lead to dreadful conditions such as osteoporosis, osteopenia, fractures, among others.
But don't worry- a healthy diet and lifestyle can improve your bone health.
Here, we list five Yoga poses you should perform for stronger bones.
However, we do recommend taking your orthopaedic's opinion, before you go all out with Yoga.
Bridge pose
To perform the Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge pose, lie down on your back with your arms next to your body, and palms facing down.
Now, bend your knees and place your feet on floor.
Further, taking support of your shoulders, arms and feet, lift your back off the floor.
Keep breathing slowly and deeply.
Maintain the posture for one minute. Relax, then repeat.
Triangle pose
Step your right foot forward into a plunge, then straighten your leg.
Next, move your left foot forward, and turn it at a 45 to 60 degrees angle with the edge of the mat.
Rest your right hand over your shin, and reach your left hand toward the roof, with your palms facing outward.
Hold the position for a minute, then shift sides.
Tree pose
The Vrikshasana or the Tree pose can also help enhance your immune system.
With your left foot grounded, hips in line with your shoulders, spine elongated, stand straight.
Next, lift your right leg and press the sole of your foot against your left inner thigh.
Also make sure that you are standing as tall as possible. Join hands at your heart.
Seated Spinal Twist pose
Sit upright with your legs extended in front of you.
Bend your right knee, then cross your right leg over and place your foot next to your left thigh.
Then bend your left knee and position your left ankle next to your right glute.
Gently twist your body to the right.
Slowly inhale and exhale.
Relax, then repeat on the other side.
Warrior II Pose
Stand straight with your legs spread 3-4 feet apart. Now, turn your right foot outward at 90 degrees angle, and your left foot inward by about 15 degrees.
Spread out your arms, parallel to the ground, on both sides, at shoulder height, with palms facing downwards.
Hold the position for about 30 seconds.
Relax, and then repeat on the other side.