Five Yoga asanas to help improve your heart health
What's the story
Heart disease is the cause of nearly one-third of all deaths, around the globe.
Issues such as high cholesterol, irregular blood pressure, and inflammation are downright dreadful, and can lead to fatal conditions like strokes and heart attacks.
However, the ancient Ayurvedic practice of Yoga can help.
Here are five Yoga asanas that can help improve your heart health.
Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand pose)
Start by lying on your back, with knees slightly bent, and feet in the air.
Keep your hands flat on the floor, and use them to roll yourself on your upper back. You may bring your hands to your lower back for support and to keep yourself upright.
Slowly extend your legs toward the ceiling. Hold the position for 5-6 breaths. Relax, then repeat.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge pose)
To perform the Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge pose), lie down on your back, with your arms next to your body, and palms facing down.
Now, bend your knees and place your feet on floor.
Further, taking support of your shoulders, arms and feet, lift your back off the floor. Keep breathing slowly and deeply.
Maintain the posture for one minute. Relax, then repeat.
Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Dog pose)
To get in the Downward Dog position, start in tabletop position, then raise your hips in a manner that your body forms an upside-down 'V' position against the floor.
Now, relax your head and neck, and draw your inner thighs to the back.
Take five to seven breaths. Relax, then repeat.
Perform the pose daily in order to boost heart health.
Sukhasana (Easy pose)
Sukhasana (Easy pose) helps you concentrate on your breathing, relaxes your mind, and improves heart function.
How to perform? Start by sitting down on floor/mat, with your back straight, and legs crossed.
Now inhale deeply, and then exhale slowly, while focusing entirely on the breathing process throughout.
Do this for about 5 to 10 minutes daily, to enhance your heart health.
Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
Step your right foot forward into a plunge, then straighten your leg.
Next, move your left foot forward, and turn it at a 45 to 60 degrees angle with the edge of the mat.
Rest your right hand over your shin, and reach your left hand toward the roof, with your palms facing outward.
Hold the position for a minute, then shift sides.