#HealthBytes: Do these yoga asanas for stronger knees
What's the story
Knee-related problems are on a rise these days.
Often results of minor injuries or medical conditions, these issues cause pain to the knees or throughout the adjacent areas.
In order to get relief from the pain or for making the knees stronger in the first place, physiotherapy is generally recommended.
However, you can help your knees at home by doing these yoga asanas.
Bridge pose
Setu Bandhasana, the Bridge pose
To perform this pose, lie on your back, bend your knees and put your feet firmly on the floor.
Lift your back off the floor. Touch the chest to your chin without bringing it down. Support your weight with your shoulders, arms and feet.
Extend the arms, hold for 1-2 minutes and release the pose.
This pose can strengthen your entire leg, including knees.
Chair pose
Utkatasana, the Chair pose
If you are a beginner, use a wall as support for this asana.
Place your feet hip distance apart. Lean your back up against a wall and slide down until your knees and ankles are parallel with each other.
Place your hands on your thighs, hold the pose for a few breaths and then relax.
This pose will strengthen the quadriceps, hamstrings, and abductors.
Tree pose
Trikonasana, the Tree pose
Stand straight with your legs apart. Turn your right feet to 90 degrees outside, and left one to 15 degrees inside.
Raise your arms sideways, parallel to the floor with palms facing down.
Now, bend with your right arm pointing downward and the left arm extended vertically. Hold, and then repeat on left side.
Trikonasana strengthens the thigh muscles, helping cure knee pain.
Pyramid pose
Parsvottanasana, the Pyramid Pose
Start by standing straight. Then, place the left foot 2-3 feet behind the right one, and place your hands behind your back in reverse prayer position.
Duck your head toward the right foot. Lengthen your spine, and bring your torso toward the thigh, as you breathe in and out. After five long breaths, relax and repeat with the other leg.
Parsvottanasana benefits knee joints.
Precautions: If it hurts, don't do it
Even though these poses have been recommended by many yoga experts, every one's body has its own vulnerabilities.
So if any pose hurts, don't do it. Immediately get out of the problem causing position.
With an injury, you have to be especially smart and careful enough to not aggravate the condition. Avoid or adjust anything that causes stinging pain or strains your knees excessively.