Feeling tired? Do these quick yoga poses for instant energy
What's the story
Want an instant energy refill? Here's where you can get loads of it!
From working round the clock to pushing hard at the gym, there are many instances when our body runs out of its battery.
And to keep going, one needs to charge it up. That's where yoga can help as many asanas can offer you a fresh burst of energy.
Downward-facing dog pose
Adho Mukha Shvanasana
This pose restores energy, relaxes your body, and increases blood flow.
Forming a tabletop position with your toes pointing inward, lift your hips and make a downward slope.
Let your biceps touch your ears as you elongate your arms and legs to form an inclined downward position.
Relax your head and back as you release and stretch your torso. It's done!
Chair pose
Begin by standing with your feet together and arms beside you.
Lift your arms over your head and keep them close to your ears. Your fingers should point toward the sky.
Now get into a partial squat position by slightly bending your knees and moving your hips backward.
Tree pose
Vrikshasana helps you stretch and relax the tensed muscles of your limbs, thereby promoting energy build-up.
All you have to do is, stand straight and slowly raise your right foot. Place its sole on your lower left leg or thigh.
Bring both your arms up in the air and then bring them down toward your chest joining your palms. Repeat with the other leg.
Child's pose
This restorative yoga asana calms your body after an intense workout. With this, your whole body relaxes and regains the lost energy.
Sit on your heels and bend forward.
Now rest your torso between your thighs and your head on the ground.
Stretch your hands forward over your head and as you do it, breathe in and out slowly.
Bridge pose
Setu Bandhasana
This pose is great to relieve physical stress and overall tiredness.
Lie on your back and then bend your knees. Ensure that your heels are pulled toward the body.
Keeping your arms beside you, lift your thighs and hips parallel to the floor and tighten the glutes.
Hold your ankles with your hands for a minute and it's done.