World Lizard Day: Facts about lizards you probably didn't know
What's the story
August 14 is observed as World Lizard Day every year and holds significant importance for reptile enthusiasts.
The day spreads awareness about how various species of lizards, both big and small, are dying due to a lack of conservation and attention.
Seizing this occasion, let us familiarize you with five lesser-known facts about lizards, which we are sure you didn't see coming.
Fact 1
Not all lizards have legs
There are about a hundred types of lizards that don't have legs! And many of these usually live underground and slither through the dirt.
Although they resemble snakes, they have tiny ear holes and large tails which differentiate them from the latter.
Another difference is that the legless lizards mostly hunt small insects and bugs, while snakes can swallow their whole prey.
Fact 2
Most lizards can swim
Most lizards around the world can also swim. One of them is the green basilisk lizard, which can even run on water!
Although not indefinitely, these lizards can manage underwater for a limited period by keeping their mouths and nostrils above the waterline to breathe.
However, marine iguanas are an exception as they can remain submerged for up to 12 minutes.
Fact 3
Some lizards can live for 50 years
Lizards usually live for five to 10 years maximum, but certain species can live for 20 to 50 years. Their age and lifespan are heavily dependent on their habitat.
The Komodo dragon, which is a dinosaur-like lizard, can stay alive for 50 years or even a little more than that, provided it doesn't catch diseases or gets poached.
Fact 4
Lizards can detach their tails
It's not a mere coincidence when you stumble upon a lizard's tail on the ground rather than the lizard itself.
Per facts, some lizards can detach their tails when they are caught by a predator, for this helps them to scurry away.
However, this comes with a price - the lizards who automize their tails face low social standing and mating abilities.
Fact 4
Some lizards can survive on three meals a year
Yes, you read that right! Some lizards like the Mexican bearded lizard can easily survive a year with just three meals.
They need a minimum intake of food as their short tails can store a lot of fat, enough to be used during extended periods of hunger or the months of estivation.
They are carnivores and can eat other lizards too.