Word of the Day: Fumble
What's the story
The word "fumble" is a verb that means to handle something clumsily or to struggle awkwardly with a task.
A "fumble" can be as simple as dropping your phone for the tenth time today or as disastrous as missing an easy goal in a football match.
It's all about those uncoordinated, butterfinger moments that make you cringe.
Origin of the word
"Fumble" comes from the Old Norse fomla, meaning "to handle clumsily."
The word has been around since the 16th century, perfectly capturing those frustrating, ungraceful moments when things just slip out of control.
Synonyms for 'fumble'
Some similar words include stumble, botch, flub, mishandle, and blunder.
For extra colour, you might use drop, mess up, or bungle—especially when the situation is embarrassing.
Whether it's dropping your keys or forgetting what you were about to say, "fumble" fits the bill.
Sentence usage
Here's how "fumble" can be used in a sentence:
"He 'fumbled' for his keys in the dark, dropping them twice before finally unlocking the door."
"She 'fumbled' her words during the speech, making her even more nervous."