Word of the Day: Concur
What's the story
The word "concur" is a verb that means to agree with someone or something.
It can also mean to happen at the same time.
People "concur" when they share the same opinion or decision.
In discussions, if two individuals have the same viewpoint, they are said to "concur" on the matter.
Origin of the word
The word "concur" comes from the Latin term concurrere, which means "to run together" or "to coincide."
Over time, it evolved into the Old French concourir and later into English as "concur," maintaining the idea of agreement and simultaneous occurrence.
Synonyms for 'concur'
Some common synonyms for "concur" include agree, approve, consent, coincide, support, accept, and align.
These words express the idea of coming to a mutual understanding or something happening together.
Whether in discussions, teamwork, or planning, using "concur" or its synonyms makes communication clearer and more precise.
Sentence usage
Let's see how "concur" can be used in sentences:
"I fully 'concur' with your opinion on this matter."
"The judges 'concurred' that the performance was outstanding."
"His vacation plans 'concurred' with the company's annual meeting."
"Experts 'concur' that a balanced diet is essential for good health."
Why use the word
Using "concur" in conversations or writing helps express agreement in a sophisticated way.
It is especially useful in formal settings, discussions, and professional communication.
Instead of simply saying "I agree," using "concur" adds depth to your expression, making your language sound more polished and articulate.