What is TikTok's viral 'Green Line Test' all about
What's the story
TikTok is a treasure trove of all things viral.
One of the recent trends from the social media platform is the "green line test." Strange as it may sound, it tells who the "alpha" is in a relationship by looking at how a couple poses for a photograph!
TikTok user @jackmacbarstool started the trend with a photo of Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson.
Straight or tilted?
What is the green line test about?
The idea is to draw green lines over the couple's postures to check which line is leaning into the other and which one is straight.
The one standing straight, is the one with power in the relationship, whereas the one leaning is basically adjusting with the other.
Photos of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and Jada and Will Smith were also shared as examples.
'Leaning reflects weakness'
The theory was invented by a Twitter user
The theory was invented by Twitter user @alpharivelino who describes it so: "When a man leans into his girl, he reveals that he feels needy and lower value. He reveals that he has a weak mindset, and that he feels dependent on her. This is exactly what turns her off. She is looking for strength and confidence in a man, not weakness."
Twitter Post
One of Rivelino's many posts
Soft man. Hard woman pic.twitter.com/r19jVUc5c8
— Rivelino (@alpharivelino) April 20, 2022
No scientific explanation
Does it really help understand relationships?
It does not seem like there is a scientific explanation for the theory.
Most pictures shared online have men (who are taller) leaning into women, and they are essentially being called out for not being dominant!
Logically, a taller person would lean toward the shorter person/s while clicking photographs to fill in the gap in height.
Does that make them appear submissive or weak?
Expert opinion
Expert invalidates the 'theory'
Mental wellness and relationship expert Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh says, "This is not a valid theory. Your partner leaning onto you doesn't make them weak."
"Today, we talk about equality in a relationship, and women encourage men to express emotions.
"Photographs, especially of celebrities, are not always natural. Body language can indicate the quality of a relationship, but a single photograph isn't enough."
Expert opinion
Another relationship expert weighs in
"This theory is just that--a theory. It is true one partner is more dominant than the other, but that's not constant in all aspects," opines Relationship expert, social activist, and author Nisha JamVwal.
"Each individual is in charge in different aspects, as in-the woman might be in charge of designing the house, while the man might be in charge of their financial plans."
One photo doesn't tell the real story: JamVwal
"One cannot make sweeping statements based on a photograph where a person might be slouching due to exhaustion or a calcium deficiency even. To speculate the entire equation based on a single photograph is too sweeping," JamVwal adds.