All about the flexitarian diet
What's the story
If a flexitarian diet seems like just another fad diet to you, you probably need to look at your own food.
Most people today are flexitarian today, either by choice or by chance.
Those that follow this diet, believe that no food is bad if it fits their micronutrient requirement.
Followers of this diet eat almost everything, resulting in highly nutritious meals.
What does flexitarian mean?
A combination of flexible and vegetarian, this diet promotes plant-based foods and occasional animal protein.
So you eat more vegetables and meat only occasionally.
Those who follow this diet are able to easily eat out socially as they do not have strict food requirements.
They will eat their veggies, and if they aren't available, they can easily indulge in some non-vegetarian food.
Benefits of flexitarian diet
Being a flexitarian you have a lot of options to choose from on a daily basis to meet your dietary requirement.
It is an easy-to-follow diet with no food limits.
It gives you the freedom to choose your food, so it is beneficial for those with specific allergies.
It also helps you maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risks of heart disease.
What you can eat
You can choose from, vegetables, fruits, pulses, and whole grains.
Occasionally, you can eat meat or animal protein. However, the focus is on plant-based protein.
It is recommended to choose natural foods over processed foods. You should also limit your sugar intake to avoid adverse reactions.
When including animal products, opt for wild-caught fish, free-range eggs, and grass-fed meat and dairy.
Cons of a flexitarian diet
Since the flexitarian diet allows you to choose from a large variety of foods, there are chances that you might end up eating unhealthy foods often.
There is also a risk of developing certain deficiencies when you limit animal proteins as people might not be supplementing them sufficiently from vegetarian sources.
So it is important you consult your dietician before making any major changes.