What is Strep A infection, the disease infecting UK children
What's the story
At least 15 children have now died of Strep A infection across England and Ireland.
The latest two deaths have been recorded in Northern Ireland and Wales.
Why is there a sudden spate of cases of Strep A infections?
What causes it and what preventive measures can you take?
You'll get to know everything about it in this article. Read on.
Here's what our expert says
Group A streptococcus is a group of round bacteria that cause a variety of infections in children.
Infections range from mild sore throat, skin infections, and scarlet fever to toxic shock syndrome.
In the long term, they can also cause kidney disease due to a late immune reaction to the bacteria.
Infection occurs in groups of susceptible individuals. There is no prophylactic vaccine.
Not well-known
Is there a new strain spreading?
We do not have enough evidence yet to claim that there's a new strain of Strep A circulating.
Though it is a well-researched disease, it will require more research.
Typically, Strep A infections are mild and treated easily with antibiotics.
However, there has been a spike this year in cases where the bacteria enter the bloodstream and lungs, making it lethal.
What are the symptoms?
Infected children usually start feeling sick two to five days after being exposed to the Strep A bacteria.
Other symptoms might include difficulty in swallowing or experiencing pain when swallowing.
They also get a fever, red, swollen tonsils, tiny red spots on the roof of the mouth, swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain.
What can be done to prevent it from spreading?
Do not share personal items with an infected person, like towels, drinking cups, and cutlery.
If someone has been infected in your house, wash their clothes and bedding in hot water.
Keep your hands clean and wash them often. This is especially important after coughing or sneezing.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
What causes it?
A bacterium called Streptococcus pyogenes causes scarlet fever. These bacteria also cause strep throat.
They are highly contagious and can spread through droplets when someone with the infection coughs or sneezes, or through shared food or drinks.
A person with scarlet fever who is not treated may be contagious for several weeks, even after the symptoms have died down.
Bacterial infection
What is Strep A infection?
Streptococcus A, often known as Group A Strep (GAS), is a bacterial infection of the throat or skin that most commonly occurs in winter.
While most cases are mild and asymptomatic, severe cases can potentially lead to scarlet fever.
Scarlet fever is a highly contagious bacterial infection commonly affecting children.
In rare cases, bacteria get into the bloodstream and lungs, causing life-threatening situations.
Increased cases
Why is there a sudden spate of deaths?
No one is sure why there is a sudden spate of deaths due to this bacterial infection.
However, it is being attributed to what some experts are calling an immunity debt.
Due to reduced socializing during the COVID-19 pandemic, bacteria and infections remained at bay.
These protective measures led to the lesser formation of protective antibodies, which may have weakened our immune systems.