What's 'sharenting'? Navigating parenting in the age of social media
What's the story
Many parents nowadays make social media accounts on platforms like Instagram and TikTok to show off their cute kids.
These accounts get tons of followers who love seeing every part of these little ones' lives.
However, this practice, often referred to as "sharenting," demands careful consideration due to the extensive amount of personal information shared in the vast virtual realm of the internet.
What is sharenting?
Sharenting is when parents share stuff about their child's life on social media.
They post photos, videos, and updates about the child as they go through different stages of growing up.
It could be anything from sharing adorable baby photos to capturing special moments like the child's first steps, birthdays, or achievements.
It's a way for parents to share the joy of raising children.
Seems like almost everyone is into sharenting
You will stumble upon numerous such adorable baby moments shared by parents on social media.
It seems like everyone is into sharenting, and that's actually true.
Security.org's report concerning the US population reveals that 77% of parents post photos of their kids online, with 81% using their real names in captions.
Surprisingly, over 80% of children have an online presence by age 2.
Why do parents sharent?
There are people who want to connect with others and show that being a parent has its ups and downs, just like any other part of life.
Then there are those who use social media to show off their seemingly perfect family life.
They share constant updates and portray their children as a symbol of their family's success and happiness.
Pros of sharenting
Sharenting helps create connections and support among parents facing similar experiences.
Sharenting documents memories digitally, offering a virtual scrapbook.
It facilitates learning and the discovery of new parenting approaches.
By revealing the real, imperfect side of parenting, sharenting movements make social media less about showcasing perfection and more about authentic sharing, alleviating the pressure to be the perfect parent.
Cons of sharenting
However, sharing every little bit of detail about your child can be scary.
It exposes children to privacy risks, like online predators or identity theft.
Oversharing personal information can lead to future embarrassment or harm.
Posting compromising photos may invite misuse or cyberbullying.
Children may also feel their consent is violated when intimate moments are shared without their understanding.
Tips for safely navigating sharenting
Limit your friends and followers to people you know and trust.
Consider using alternative platforms like TinyBeans or private albums on Flickr.
Be cautious about what you post, avoiding sensitive information or revealing pictures.
Don't take photos in school uniforms or with home addresses.
If your child is five or older, ask for their permission before sharing anything.