Know about flower therapy, a completely natural form of healing
What's the story
Bach therapy or flower therapy is a natural, non-invasive form of healing where a trained practitioner uses flower extracts to help an individual address his or her health concerns.
Flower therapy is generally used to help those who have a nervous breakdown, anxiety and stress and is a completely natural form of therapy.
Read on to know more about it.
The therapy discoverer believed flowers can balance emotions
Essence therapy is based on the idea that flowers have healing and vibrational energies.
The process, also known as flower remedy, is done using liquids that are infused with a flower's energy.
The concept was initially discovered by Edward Bach, a British physician, in the 1920s.
Bach believed that flowers can balance emotions and can bring about mental and physical wellness.
Do note, flower essences are different from essential oils
Both flower essences and essential oils are made with plants. However, they are prepared in different ways.
Flower essences are made by submerging flowers in natural spring water, which is then boiled or placed in the sun. The water is later filtered and preserved with brandy.
Meanwhile, essential oils contain plant material that is steamed, distilled or pressed to extract the fragrance.
This therapy even works on children, reduces their anxiety
Different researches held over the years have linked flower essences to lesser anxiety.
In fact, when children are at a dental clinic, flower therapy calmed them down, a 2020 study found out.
Additionally, a 2017 case study reported that a Bach flower remedy helped lessen the anxiety in a woman with menopause.
However, more studies are required to conclude on how exactly that works.
Reduces the perception of pain, increases focus on emotional health
A 2008 research showed that Bach flower remedies helped in relieving pain.
The examiners realized that when participants focused more on their emotional health through this therapy, it helped lessen the notion of pain.
It is also believed that reducing anxiety can help in reducing the perception of pain.
However, more research is needed here too, to confirm the effect of essences on pain.