Wondering why your cat sleeps in different positions? Here's why
What's the story
If you are a cat parent then we are sure that you have found your furry baby sleeping in different positions with some being way too weird to be comfortable.
Cats can sleep for up to 18 hours or more and their sleeping positions tell a lot about their wild roots and adorableness.
Here are five sleeping positions of cats and their hidden meaning.
Warm and cozy
Curled in a ball
One of the most common sleeping positions of a cat is being curled up in a ball, as this particular shape helps them retain body heat keeping them warm and cozy.
In this position, they curl up into a circle with their head tucked into their body and tail curled around them.
This position helps protect the vital organs in their abdomen.
Safe and comfortable
On their back with belly up
Sleeping on their back with their belly up is one of the safest and most comfortable positions for cats.
This position involves sleeping with their bellies fully exposed, and front legs outstretched over their head or resting on their belly.
They do this to protect their stomach which is a sensitive area. They also feel safe and confident in this position.
Relaxing position
The loaf position
Resembling the shape of a loaf of bread, this sleeping or resting position involves the kitty lying on its stomach with its paws tucked in underneath its body.
Cats often keep their heads up even if their eyes are closed in this position.
More of a short resting position, it protects their vital organs and preserves body heat. It indicates your cat is relaxed.
Deep sleep
Sleeping on the side
You will also often find your cat sleeping on their side with their legs stretched out. This means that your cat is feeling safe and secure in your company.
In this position, they are usually in deep sleep and sleep for longer hours than in any other position.
However, they are also poised to jump up or run if they are in danger.
Sleeping hard
Paws over face while sleeping
If your cat is sleeping for a while, it may often change their positions and keep the paws over its face.
This means that they are in deep sleep and do not want to get disturbed or woken up.
Your furry friends usually cover their faces with their paws to block out any light and show their owners that they are sleeping hard.