Want a toned and chiseled jawline? Try these yoga poses
What's the story
We all desire a toned, sharp, and well-defined jawline, right? You might have spent hours at the gym to get that chiseled jawline but have got no results.
However, yoga can help you achieve the sculpted look of your dreams without having to sweat a lot at the gym.
Here are five yoga poses that will naturally sharpen your jawline while rejuvenating your skin.
Melts fat
Fish face exercise
One of the most popular jawline exercises, fish face yoga helps tone and stretch your cheek muscles by creating resistance in your facial muscles.
It tightens your skin and helps reduce double chin by melting the fat in that area.
Suck in your cheeks, smile, and hold for 30 seconds before releasing them. Do this at least five times regularly for 15-20 days.
Effective and powerful
Air kiss yoga
Air kiss yoga is another powerful and effective exercise for burning your jawline fat and removing tough lines around your mouth.
It gives you a lean neck and a super-toned and chiseled jawline.
Make a pout and look upwards. Hold for 20 seconds and release the pout. Smile and put firm pressure around the mouth. Repeat this at least three-four times.
Facial fat reduction
Tongue stretch exercise
The tongue stretch exercise helps tone your jawline and reduce facial fat by targeting the muscles below your chin.
Regular practice gives you a well-defined and attractive face with higher cheekbones. It's safe for both men and women.
Tilt your neck back and push your tongue out as much as you can. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat it four-five times for optimal results.
Tones jawline
Lion pose
The lion pose improves blood circulation to the face and relieves tension in facial muscles, thereby toning your jawline.
Sit down between your heels with your knees in front. Lengthen your spine and open your mouth and eyes wide while bringing your chin closer to the chest.
Extend your tongue and make a howling sound. Breathe in while closing your mouth. Repeat two-five times.
Jawline muscles
Chin lock
Also called jalandhara bandha yoga, this chin lock exercise tones your facial and jawline muscles.
Sit straight in the lotus position and place your hands on your knees. Inhale deeply and hold your breath.
Slowly lift your upper chest toward the chin while bending your head simultaneously. Slowly exhale as your chin touches your chest.
Hold for four-five seconds before lifting your chin up.