Highline walking 101: Must-know safety tips
What's the story
Urban highline walking combines the elements of balance, focus, and adventure, giving you a unique view of the cityscape.
However, safety is paramount for this thrilling activity.
In this guide, we bring you tips for safe urban highlining, helping both beginners and seasoned walkers navigate its challenges, safely.
Gear selection
Choose the right gear
Selecting appropriate gear is crucial for safe highline walking.
A reliable harness and helmet are non-negotiable essentials.
Make sure your line is made from durable materials and regularly inspected for wear and tear.
Use locking carabiners to secure yourself to the line at all times.
Investing in quality gear can significantly reduce risks associated with equipment failure.
Technique mastery
Master basic techniques
Before trying your hand at urban highlining, mastering the basics is crucial.
Walk on low lines near the ground to practice and gain confidence and balance skills.
Work on maintaining a steady pace and keeping your eyes fixed ahead instead of looking down at your feet or surroundings.
These foundational skills will equip you for more challenging walks at higher altitudes.
Weather check
Assess weather conditions
The weather conditions play a key role in ensuring safety during urban highlining.
Avoid walking during rains or strong winds as they can affect your balance and visibility, increasing the risk factors by a mile.
Always check the weather forecasts before stepping out, making sure that the conditions are favorable for the adventure you have planned.
Route planning
Plan your route carefully
When doing urban highlining, careful route planning is essential.
There may be obstacles in the way of your chosen path (that you chose beforehand by researching online via maps).
Consider the distance between anchor points, too.
Above all, always prioritize safety when doing this outdoors.
It can be risky, but it's necessary if you want to succeed in achieving your goals.