The ultimate guide for setting personal goals
What's the story
What are goals?
Goals are not empty random wishes that we want in our lives.
They are milestones set with clarity of a process and quantifiable and measurable results that help us to reach our bigger purpose in life.
But can we achieve what we want?
Let's elaborate on this with the ultimate guide for setting personal goals and achieving them.
6Ws & 1H
The easiest way to explain the process is with 6Ws & 1H. They refer to the What, Which, Where, When, Who, Why & How of our goals. If we can answer these, we already got the blueprint for our success plan. Let's dive in.
Picking our goal
What goal should we pick?
Our life is divided into various categories, namely career, wealth, relationships, health, leisure, friends, personal growth, and spirituality.
We need to rate ourselves on these on a scale of one to ten. The areas which receive the least rating are the areas that we have been ignoring and need to improve.
Pick the area and form a goal around that.
Pro tip while picking a goal
While choosing, always remember that the goal should be aligned with the kind of core personality you have. It should be able to empower or utilize your core strengths.
Which limiting beliefs stop us?
Sometimes, we'd observe that we might have terrible self-beliefs in the chosen area of our goal.
It can be because of our childhood conditioning or because of a defining moment that impacted us negatively.
Identify the limiting beliefs around this goal that can deter you to accomplish it and replace them with empowering beliefs that can be coded into your subconscious through repeated affirmations.
When should we achieve?
We need to set dates for when we start with the process and within what time frame we want to see it get accomplished.
We should review and reflect on if it's going as planned or do we need to bring in some changes.
Also, write down the plan of action and things to be done the night before for the following day.
Where should we work for our goal?
We need to set the right environment for our goal work since it cannot be accomplished sitting on our bed in front of our TV with a thousand distractions. We need a corner in our room where we can work in flow without any interruption.
Goal getting
Who should we be around for faster goal-getting?
In order to achieve our goals faster, we need to surround ourselves with three kinds of people:
a. Those on the same journey but a few steps ahead of us, so they can help us.
b. Those with a similar mindset and hustle for motivation and accountability.
c. Those who are happy to see us rising so we can celebrate with them.
Why is this goal important?
Our "why" keeps us working relentlessly.
We can find the breakthrough with the question pyramid.
Keep asking "why is it important for me," "what will that change," and "how will that impact me" until you get an insight which cannot be further broken down.
That will be the fire in your belly to move mountains for our goal.
How to achieve our goals?
Understand if your goal is long-term or short-term and break it into actionable steps with smaller goals.
Achieving smaller goals fuels us to stick to long-term plans and acts as a progress chart to tell us if we are going in the right direction.
Get specific. Put numbers and make it quantified. Pick a particular route to reach your goal if you get choices.
Pro-tip: Always try to exceed the goal limit
Try improving by exceeding the goal limit even if it's by a small percentage. Make a vision board and paste pictures of what your goal would look like and put it somewhere you can see often, to manifest the reality.—Natasha Singh, Life Coach