What is Potpourri? (and easy ways to make some)
What's the story
If you love all things natural, then give potpourri a try.
Potpourri is a natural way to fill your house with a nice and fresh aroma.
It is made using dried ingredients including fragrant flowers, herbs, spices, and essential oils, and kept in bowls to make your home smell pleasant.
You can place them on your coffee table to add a visual appeal.
Classic potpourri
How to make a classic potpourri?
To make a classic potpourri, throw in some dried bright-colored flowers like lavender, rose, and tulips in a container.
Add spices and herbs like cloves, cinnamon, thyme, and rosemary to it. Then, add some essential oils, seal the container and let it sit for two to four weeks.
Place the dried ingredients in a decorative bowl for a great display and a soothing fragrance.
The two types of potpourri
There are two types of potpourri recipes that you can consider according to your preference. One is a dried potpourri and another one is a wet or moist potpourri.
Dried potpourri is easy to make and preserves the color and appearance of flowers while moist potpourri gives a dark color and creates a stronger fragrance.
Dried potpourri
How to make a dried potpourri?
A dried potpourri needs fixatives, such as vetiver root of sweetgrass plant and iris root.
Fixative controls the release of aroma and helps the potpourri last longer.
Mix fixatives with some essential oil and ground spices. Then add some dried flowers and herbs to it and put everything in an airtight container.
Leave it for a few weeks and use it as desired.
Wet potpourri
How to make a wet potpourri?
To make a wet potpourri, gather some fragrant flower petals and let them dry for two-three days until they are leathery.
Then fill a jar with the petals and non-iodized salt and place a plate on top to compress them.
Stir the jar regularly and mix spices and aromatic oils to it after two weeks before displaying the potpourri.
Different ways to use the potpourri
You can use a potpourri in several other ways besides putting it in a bowl.
You can put potpourri sachets inside suitcases, coats, shoes, or wardrobes for a natural aroma.
You can hang them on the showerhead to let the steam from your shower mingle with the fragrance.
You can also hang the potpourri sachets at the entrance of your house.
How long does a potpourri last?
Homemade potpourris last for two to four months depending on the choice of ingredients and technique of preservation. You need to rejuvenate the potpourri from time to time to protect it from bugs. Also, use good quality essential oils to make the potpourri last longer.