Working during night shift? Follow these tips for better efficiency
What's the story
Are you one of those who work in night shifts?
From personal experience I can say that late-night shifts can take a toll on your health, if not managed properly.
Such people remain prone to diabetes, obesity and the like.
However, the good news is you can lead a balanced lifestyle alongside working late just by making some changes in your routine.
Why does it matter?
Emergency services' professionals such as doctors, nurses, fire brigade officials, locomotive drivers, etc. work during odd hours.
Burning the midnight oil can be challenging for their health.
To maintain a balance of good health and mind, these guys practice time management skills, which manage their efficiency with accuracy.
It may take time to get adjusted to changes, but it's worth it.
Step 1
Sticking to a timetable helps you stay efficient
No matter how busy your work shift looks, it is important that you make a schedule every day and divide work and personal time.
Sticking to a routine not only helps finish tasks on time, but also assists in being disciplined in life.
It is advisable to divide the time and the tasks well in advance to start every day with vigor and enthusiasm.
Step 2
Do NOT ignore your sleep, it's extremely important
In order to maintain good health, it is important to score a sound sleep.
After coming home from your shift, make sure that you cover the room with dark curtains. The ambience helps you doze off quickly.
Devoting around 6-8 hours to sleep in a day helps you manage time for other activities also.
However, a small nap before work is also recommended.
Step 3
Remember to have a balance diet in your routine
Planning and making your meals in advance is a good way to be on your schedule. You can do this by including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, greens, and dairy products in your diet.
Make sure that you eat a small quantity during regular intervals. It helps in keeping you energized throughout.
For Vitamin D, a few minutes of exposure to the sun helps.
Step 4
Keep stress away by indulging in a hobby
Devote some time to your hobby, which can help you keep stress at bay.
Indulging in a workout session, or Zumba, planting, singing, anything that you enjoy should be included in your routine without fail.
Also, make sure you stay hydrated throughout your schedule to effectively maintain body functions.
Avoid consuming coffee at night. It might disturb your sleep pattern during the day.