Signs that indicate you have become a toxic person
What's the story
We generally tend to fixate on how to deal with toxic people but rarely do we look at our shortcomings.
Being a toxic person means that your behavior and actions are harmful to those around you.
It can be difficult to recognize these traits in yourself, but here are some signs that may indicate you are a toxic person.
You are always negative
If you tend to focus on the negative aspects of situations and complain a lot, you may be bringing others down with your negativity.
If you constantly search for ways to demotivate others, focus on what may go wrong, believe that the risks outweigh the rewards, undervalue people's skills, or try to sabotage their goals and hopes, you have become quite toxic.
Never wrong
You never admit your fault
You never accept that you are wrong, even when your mistake is obvious. You continue to feign innocence.
Instead of admitting your mistake, you tend to find a scapegoat and shift the blame onto them.
You think that if you confess your fault, you will appear weak.
Since you believe people respect only those who are strong, you never really accept your fault.
You are too quick to judge
If you tend to judge others and criticize them, without understanding their perspective or giving them a chance, you may be toxic.
You are too eager to jump to conclusions without giving the other person the benefit of the doubt.
You are often direct and offensive in your approach and tend to drop passive-aggressive remarks or turn sarcastic to make people feel small.
Power of silence
You give silent treatments
You find it hard to process your emotions and as a result, fail to express them healthily.
So, when you feel hurt, you keep it to yourself. Instead of sorting out the issue maturely by communicating with the other person, you give them the silent treatment.
You kind of enjoy the false sense of control it gives you.
Shallow relationships
You have a history of failed relationships
You have little to no friends or just a handful of superficial friends.
Either you are not respectful of people and consider them below you or, you fake your emotions too much.
As a result, people tend to avoid your company or don't seem to be having a good time around you and eventually leave.
Overall, your relationships with people are rocky or shallow.