Strengthening orbicularis oculi muscles: Top five exercises
What's the story
The orbicularis oculi muscle is responsible for eyelid movement and is vital for facial expressions and protecting the eyes.
Strengthening this muscle can enhance eye function and minimize the appearance of fine lines.
This article provides a list of five effective exercises to strengthen your orbicularis oculi muscles, along with a simple routine to perform them daily.
Blink softly
Gentle blinking technique
Gentle blinking is a simple and effective exercise for toning the orbicularis oculi muscles.
Begin by closing your eyes gently, avoiding any tension or squeezing.
Maintain this closure for two seconds, then slowly open your eyes.
Repeating this cycle 20 times, twice daily, will ensure these muscles are activated and strengthened without straining them.
Finger resistance
Resistance training with fingers
This exercise uses your fingers to provide resistance while you blink, helping to increase muscle strength significantly over time.
Gently place two fingers on each eyelid and try to close your eyes against the light resistance.
Hold for five seconds before releasing.
Doing three sets of 10 repetitions every day will help to strengthen your orbicularis oculi muscles over time.
Wink wisely
Focused winking exercise
Winking isn't just for flirting - it's a great exercise for isolating each eye and promoting even muscle development.
Simply wink with one eye at a time, holding the wink for two seconds before alternating.
Do 10 repetitions on each side per session, and perform this exercise once or twice a day.
Defy gravity
Eyelid closure against gravity
Lying flat on your back eliminates gravity's help in closing our eyes, making it the perfect position to further exercise these muscles.
Simply close your eyes as tightly as you can without wrinkling the rest of your face and hold this position for five seconds before releasing.
Do this 10 times in one go every day, and you'll notice a difference in muscle tone and strength.
Shift focus
Visual focus shifting exercise
This exercise strengthens the orbicularis oculi and promotes overall eye health.
Sit with eyes open and shift focus between a close object (one foot away) and a distant one (over 20 feet away) without moving your head.
Do this smoothly for 20 reps, twice a day, to work the orbicularis oculi and other eye muscles.