Easy exercises for stronger ankles
What's the story
Strong and stable ankles are essential for walking, running, and nearly every sport.
Weak ankles can result in falls, sprained ankles, and limited mobility.
The good news is that you can strengthen your ankles at home with simple balance exercises.
These exercises don't require any special equipment, and they can make a big difference in your ankle strength over time.
Single-leg balance
Balancing on one leg is a basic exercise to begin building strength in your ankle muscles.
Simply lift one foot off the ground and balance on the other leg for 30 seconds to one minute.
Switch legs and repeat the exercise three times per leg.
For added challenge, try closing your eyes or balancing on a pillow.
Toe raises
Toe raises are an effective way to strengthen the muscles around your ankles and enhance stability.
Simply stand with your feet hip-width apart and slowly raise your heels off the ground, rising onto your toes.
Maintain this position for five seconds before lowering back down.
By doing three sets of 10 repetitions daily, you can significantly improve ankle strength.
Heel walks
Heel walks strengthen the muscles in the front of your shin, which are essential for ankle stability.
Raise your toes off the ground and walk forward on your heels for 20 meters.
Keep your legs straight but do not lock your knees.
Do it twice a day - It will help avoid shin splints and strengthen ankles.
Side-to-side hops
This simple yet effective exercise strengthens your ankles and enhances your lateral movement at the same time.
Simply stand on one foot and hop side-to-side over an imaginary line or a small object on the floor.
Do three sets of ten hops on each foot daily.
As you get stronger, you can increase the speed or number of reps for an extra challenge.
Alphabet trace
Improve ankle flexibility and muscle strength by tracing alphabets in the air with your big toe.
While seated or lying down, use only your toe to draw each letter from A to Z, then switch feet.
This imaginative exercise not only strengthens the muscles but also greatly enhances the range of motion.
Experts suggest doing this routine once per day for each foot, ensuring a balanced approach to ankle health.