Strengthen your thumb with these exercises
What's the story
The abductor pollicis brevis muscle is essential for thumb movement. It enables you to grip and pinch objects.
By strengthening this muscle, you can improve hand function and prevent injuries.
This article provides a list of five effective exercises to strengthen your abductor pollicis brevis muscle. They can be performed by individuals of all fitness levels.
Lift 1
Thumb lifts for beginners
Thumb lifts are great for beginners to strengthen their abductor pollicis brevis muscle.
Place your hand flat on a table, palm down.
Slowly lift your thumb away from the table as high as you can, hold it for three seconds, then lower it back down.
Do this 10 times for three sets.
This exercise is gentle and progressively builds strength and flexibility in your thumb.
Band work
Use resistance bands for progression
Once you've mastered basic exercises, adding resistance bands can further boost muscle strength.
Hold a small resistance band looped around both thumbs with your arms extended in front of you.
Slowly pull your thumbs apart against the resistance, hold for three seconds, and then release slowly.
Doing three sets of 10 reps daily will gradually increase the strength of your abductor pollicis brevis muscle.
Gripper Grip
Hand grippers: The next level
Hand grippers provide an excellent way to further strengthen your thumb muscles.
Hold a hand gripper in one hand, placing your thumb on one handle and your fingers on the other.
Squeeze the gripper by moving your thumb towards your fingers, pause for a moment, then slowly release.
Begin with two sets of five squeezes for each hand and progressively add more as your endurance improves.
Pinch power
Pinch strength exercises
Improving pinch strength targets the abductor pollicis brevis muscle, essential for pinching.
Choose small items such as marbles or pebbles that can comfortably fit between your thumb and each finger.
Pick up each item with your thumb and one finger, hold it for a few seconds, then release it gently.
Do this 10 times for each finger on both hands to directly strengthen this muscle.
Stretch it out
Thumb opposition stretch
The thumb opposition stretch is a simple exercise to improve strength and flexibility in your hands.
By forming an "O" shape and touching your thumb to each fingertip in turn, you apply gentle pressure.
Hold this position for five seconds on each finger. Repeat the exercise 10 times to stimulate the abductor pollicis brevis muscle and promote flexibility across all fingers.