Here are some ways to speed up hair growth
What's the story
Our increasingly packed schedules cause excessive stress, unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet - all of which lead to incessant hair fall.
Further, people these days rely too much on chemical-infused cosmetic products, which makes things worse.
In fact, practices like blow drying and hair coloring also deteriorate hair health.
While changing habits will take time, here are some easy ways to promote hair growth.
Let's start with some hair care tips
Regularly massage your scalp using natural oils to improve blood circulation.
Instead of blow drying, air dry your hair.
Do not use hair pins or bands for too long, as they can weaken your hair and lead to hair loss.
Reduce your alcohol consumption.
Finally, manage your stress levels, as stress results in hair loss, among other things.
Consume more protein and minerals
Protein is what your hair is basically made up of.
That is why protein intake is directly proportional to hair growth.
Consume 45 grams of protein from sources such as beans, eggs, low-fat dairy items to see improvement in hair health.
Further, minerals such as zinc are vital for prevention of hair loss. For that, make sure to consume walnuts, pecans etc.
Don't wash your hair too often
Experts suggest that washing hair too often can actually be quite harmful.
The body produces some natural oils that help nourish the hair follicles and protect them from drying and breakage.
Shampooing hair too frequently washes off those oils, thereby leading to weak hair.
Just wash your hair with a mild, sulphur-free shampoo twice a week for best results.
Use essential oils
Essential oils are derived from plants and herbs, which is why they are so effective in stimulating hair growth.
However, not all oils available in the market can contribute to hair growth.
So, only opt for the ones with greater concentration of herbs in them.
Lavender, lemon, jojoba, and coconut are some of the best essential oils that promote hair growth.
Apply a castor oil hair mask
Castor oil is loaded with protein, Vitamin E, antifungal and antibacterial properties.
To prepare this hair mask, mix castor oil with two eggs and two tablespoons of honey.
Then, warm the mixture and apply it for nearly 15 minutes.
Thereafter, steam your hair using a towel dipped in warm water, then wash off the mask.
Repeat this twice a month for healthy hair.