Looking for ways to improve running speed? Try these tips
What's the story
A person's average running speed depends on a number of factors including age, fitness and genetics.
Running is a mix of speed and endurance and the key to improving your pace is consistent practice.
Whether you are training for a marathon or if you have just begun running and are looking for ways to improve form, these tips can help.
Interval training
Warm up and do high interval training
High interval training is a great way to increase your running pace.
Begin by jogging for 10 minutes and follow it up with a high intensity run for two minutes. Finish by jogging for 10 minutes.
Repeat the same four to six times by taking a minute's rest in between.
Do this twice a week until you have comfortably reached the desired speed.
Tempo pace
Begin by doing tempo exercise for 10 minutes
Tempo training is a step ahead of high-intensity training and involves running at a comfortable but hard pace.
For a tempo run, you will have to alternate between jogging and a fast sprint for several minutes.
Begin by doing 10 minutes of the tempo exercise and slowly increase your time.
However, it is important to have sufficient running practice before doing tempo runs.
Hill training
Practice hill training to build endurance
Hill training is not just helpful for those who have an event coming up, but also for others to build endurance.
Practicing on the hills requires more effort than running on flat terrain and by consistent training, you'll end up being quicker for your regular runs.
For hill training, run at tempo pace up the hill and jog back down.
Repeat about five times.
Few other tips to increase your running speed
As you train, work on increasing your steps per minute by using a pedometer.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle - build more muscles and lose weight. For this, focus on having a balanced meal with enough protein.
The type of clothing you wear can also impact your comfort during the run. Wearing breathable clothes is ideal.
Lastly, be consistent in your runs to pace up.