Expert reveals how cleaning your bed can improve your sleep
What's the story
Besides many aspects of a good night's sleep, cleanliness is probably the most underrated one.
And believe us, it could play a seminal role in affecting your sleep cycle.
In the wake of this, Matt Connelly, the CEO, and founder of ihateironing, a leading dry cleaning and laundry network in the UK, shares cleaning tips to elevate your sleep quality.
Tip 1
Check for mold in your mattress
"Humidity, low ventilation, and food or liquid spills can all lead to a moldy mattress. Especially if left untreated for a period of time," shares Connelly.
"A moldy mattress isn't just dreary to think about, but it can cause health symptoms like difficulty breathing, congestion, or skin irritation that can all worsen your sleep quality," he warns.
How to get rid of a moldy mattress?
"Use a mixture made of equal parts rubbing alcohol and water, submerging a washcloth in it, and rubbing the affected area to get rid of the mold. Afterward, you should put your mattress to dry under direct sunlight," recommends Connelly.
Tip 2
Vacuum your linens and mattress
"Hair, pet fur, dust, and dandruff on your bed linen can create an uncomfortable sleeping environment," shares the dry cleaning expert.
As a precautionary, he suggests one should vacuum their bedsheets daily to remove them.
"Vacuum your mattress whenever you strip your bed to replace your bedding. This guarantees no foreign matter getting stuck deeper into its fibers," he recommends.
Tip 3
Replace old bedding with new ones every two-three years
"Old duvets and pillows can negatively affect the quality of sleep for a number of reasons. This not only makes them uncomfortable to sleep on but can even strain your muscles and cause stiffness or pain over time," enlightens Connelly.
"I recommend replacing pillows at least every two or two and a half years, and duvets after three," shares the ihateironing founder.
Tip 4
Laundry every two weeks
"This goes for your sheets, pillows, and duvet covers. Even if your bed linen doesn't look dirty or show any immediate signs of staining or discoloration, the danger lies in the things that aren't immediately visible to you," reveals Connelly.
He recommends stripping the bed and washing your linens once a week during summer season as our bodies tend to sweat more.
Tip 5
Look beyond your bed
"A cluttered space can affect your well-being more than you know, as it can lead to increased feelings of anxiety and restlessness," he says.
He recommends, dedicating some time before bed to tidying up your space. This includes putting your dirty clothes in your laundry basket or clean clothes in your closet, throwing away waste, and rearranging items on tables and cabinets.